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A bzzt or a breeze?

*bzzt bzzt*, rang the phone for the 100th time today and it was only 2 pm.  P looked over at her phone hoping it would be an email from the latest place she had applied to for a job. It had been 2 weeks since she heard from them and, even a rejection at that point would have put her at ease. It’s never ‘no news means good news’ for the anxious. It’s always, please make me happy or disappoint me, but do not make me wait.  A few swipes were made to find out that it was just a notification from this dating app she had been using. Someone had liked her. Yay (?). She lingered on the app for a few seconds and was quickly disappointed because the guy who liked her had all selfies, and no information on his profile except that he likes dogs and watching the TV show Friends. She still to this day does not understand how that says anything about a person.  *bzzt bzzt*, an aggressive language learning reminder from a language learning app. She then went on to refresh her inbox. Noth...

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