Does anyone else here think about how comforting it is to speak to ourselves with a sense of balance?

You know things like- I could've done better, or actually I could've done worse too. I like to even it out.
If I see myself screwing something up, I will cry for days but then what gets me out of it is me taking time with it and realising by myself that hey I tried, or hey I can learn to do better. It's me learning that things are fine.
I have day(s) where I hate myself and everyone! But then I remember having phases where I love myself and other people so that's cool. So I let myself be.
I feel we all swing, like a pendulum, fervently between wildly opposite points of this and that
Only to take time to settle in the middle,
The middle is something we learn by ourselves,
The balance comes from regular practices of happy and hurt, need and want, and now and never
As we sway through all this,
We discover experience, acceptance, things to cherish, priorities, nurturing and love.
We find things of balance, where there will be peace involved
We might get thrown to extremities, us wavering from what we found
But it's fine, because we'll always return,
To the center, the middle,
The balance.


  1. Balance, centre, middle, moderation, temperance, secularism, equilibrium, parity, all useful terms to describe the return to the calm, away from the turbulence residing in our inner world. Writing is part of the world-famed SWRL¹ regimen and a very useful means to retain the calm and withstand the storm. You're not alone in this, we'll do it together!



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