Introductions and new beginnings

Starting off with the most cliche blog post opening line to have ever existed, this blog is truly long coming. I have dreamt, planned, taken down copious notes for, added to several revamped bucket lists how I have wanted to have a blog space where I could write and post and write and post and write and write and write and lo! After all this time, finally acknowledging 14-year-old me's wishes, I have created this blog space. This action corresponds to my year-long self-undertaken project of doing something new every day. And this blog is today's. 
After years of living with myself, trying to look for what are the things that make me happy, I found out that the beginning of something new, that feeling when I go try something new, when something that has never before happened to me comes my way, have been moments of ecstasy, of utmost happiness to me. I feel there's a certain sense of poetry in the way that this feeling that I most seek after aligns with the very meaning of my name, Pallavi, which in Sanskrit means the coming of new leaves and everything that is new and fresh. Is this a coincidence, or am I reading too much into it? Guess we will never know. But as long as it makes sense to me, it is okay, right?
Thus, in this feeling of exhilaration and excitement of starting a new blog, I can't stress enough about how happy I am to have started this. I write a lot, I realized only of late. And I want to put it out because it will be doing something completely new as nobody has ever read what I have written and although they don't hold secrets they are special to me. Very very special. 
The name of the blog is Everyday Shoshin for now. Shoshin is a word from Zen Buddhism meaning "beginner's mind." It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject. To me, this word means to always be an eager, curious student of life and I write about what I learn every day. That is what I want my blog to look like. A series of writings that are about what I learnt, new things I tried, new things I experience, and everything that the school of life puts across for me. They will be documentations, records, observances, going in too deep, the in-betweens that somewhere get lost between the start and the end and everything I find inspiring. As corny as it sounds, as self-absorbed as it sounds, the objective of whatever I write has always been to not be so. I hope one day what I write slowly at its own sweet pace becomes for all, is inclusive, is aware of the world and interests people of all kind and resonates with many. 


  1. Well explained baba 🤗 Doesn't it feel a bit weird that I'm reading stuff that you wrote before I got to know of your existence? Your blog name is so fitting that it also alludes to the Sanskrit meaning of your name. Exquisite


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